Funeral details will be added when known.
Tewkesbury & District u3a has been running very successfully since the early 1990s. Our umbrella organisation is the Third Age Trust.
No qualifications are offered and no qualification is required other than that you are not in full-time work. There’s no age restriction either! Come and join us to learn, laugh and live! We are a Registered Charity, No. 1029447.
This Summer, the U3A held a Festival at York University, where over a thousand U3A members enjoyed over 80 activities. Our Carol M was there, and see our News page for more info.
To find out more about u3a Tewkesbury & District use the contact page or please come to a General Meeting from 9.45am on the 2nd Monday of each month, at the Baptist Church on Station Road where any committee member will be pleased to help.
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