Computer Group

We meet on Zoom every 4th Monday of the month, at 2pm, via a link issued by Carol M or John S

Whilst we are on Zoom, there is a 45-minute limit to any one session, as we have chosen to use the free version of Zoom, rather than commit to a continuous monthly cost.

(In future we may change to using Teams, after a thorough test of their terms and conditions.)

If the Zoom 45 minutes isn’t enough, we have a 10-minute coffee break, and start again.
The 2pm start is to avoid clashing with our morning U3A Group Leader meetings.

We meet online via Zoom, organized by CarolM as nominal group leader,
and JohnS is leading the technical posse.

We usually use the same link each time for Carol’s sessions,
and also a consistent link for JohnS, if he is running the session.

Our general ethos of mutual self-help is still very much alive.

We believe that any Computer Group member will by definition surely have the computer kit to be able to join online sessions.
If you are wanting to join, but need to learn about how to use Zoom,
apply to join the group, then tell Carol by email and she will hold
special sessions for you, usually on a Sunday, to give you confidence.
You will find a laptop or PC, with mouse, is easier than a tablet,
when accessing Zoom sessions.

Carol – Group Leader

Carol has some expertise only on Microsoft laptop/PC protocols, and up to Windows 10.
Other group members may be able to help with Windows 11, and to give Apple or tablet advice,
as they have differing versions of the Apple/Mac tablets and phones.

You join us via a direct Zoom link –
you just click on it in Carol’s email to you, and you will be in the virtual waiting room.
If you do not have the current Zoom link, please contact Carol and she will send it to you.
Carol’s email system has had a SPAM glitch, so she is not sending regular reminders.

Sometimes JohnS runs the session, and he will send you his Zoom link, by email to you.
If John is not running the session, assume that Carol will do so, and just use Carol’s standard link, please.

NB … We are usually restricted [by our free Zoom programs] to operating in chunks of 45 minutes per session.
We just start again, using the same link, if we haven’t finished yet, with an optional request for a 5-minute break,
to refill tea/coffee cups.

Beginners to Computing are very much welcome.
We have a very varied range of experience and knowledge, and no question is too trivial.
Our beginners can often help the fairly expert members, when the experts tackle something which is new to them.

Our magazine of choice is ComputerActive, which has a mixture of simple and complicted information, readers’ questions,
reviews and recommendations of various software and hardware, and lots of cyber-safety information.
Carol has lots of back copies for you to look at.

Contact the group leader by using the form below, preferably,
or by using the general TU3A number in the TUTA Newsletter: 01684 325013

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