Start A New Group
Please complete the form below if you wish to start a new group.
Include as much as you are able even if you are not yet sure of all the details.
An initial advert is usually necessary to seek like-minded individuals to discuss viability of forming a new Group.
Space is provided if you have suggestions for the initial advert content.
For this advert and subsequent publicity in newsletter etc. it will be necessary to provide contact details.
Complete the contact details as you wish it to appear on publicity, newsletter and website.
For contact name :- Full Name incl. title, First Name Only, or Title & Surname are acceptable.
Include an email and/or telephone number to allow interested individuals to contact you.
(For the initial advert the GLO email can be used if preferred).
Note non-U3A people can see our publications.
The website Group page allows contact via a link that does not show your email address.
The Webmaster and TUTA News Editor have discretion to change what they publish.