
Meetings of the Photography Group take place in the Jubilee Room at Bredon Village Hall every first Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm. There we enjoy each other’s photographs and offer constructive advice on how they could be improved.

We operate by identifying 12 topics, or themes for each month just before a new year. This gives us time to compose or select from our archives up to a dozen photographs per member. During the meeting, we take turns to show them using a projector and screen, and the rest of the group make comments. Members bring their photographs to the Village Hall downloaded to a USB memory stick or SD card. Often the discussion is more about the subject or location rather than pure technical merits. We also encourage a few “off topic” photos taken recently that we think the group would enjoy.

Additional time may be given to discussion as to how to get the best out of our cameras, as well as having the occasional workshop topic of a more ‘hands on’ nature, or visits to photogenic locations. A group walk around Tewkesbury last year was an enjoyable and beneficial experience.

Topics for 2023 and 2024 are as follows:

5th Sep 2023Light – the opposite of dark or heavy
3rd Oct 2023Farming
7th Nov 2023Journeys
5th Dec 2023Animals – domestic or wild
2nd Jan 2024Perspective, GeometryComposition, general interest
6th Feb 2024Crowds, peopleEmotions, settings
5th Mar 2024Doors, gates, entrancesComposition, viewpoints
2nd Apr 2024Favourites, hobbiesConveying interest, depth of field
7th May 2024Lighting, sparkling, contre jour, mistyExposure, shadows, vantage points
4th Jun 2024Geography/geology, landscapes,
fossils, erosion
2nd Jul 2024Technical, any subjectDepth of field, exposure,
movement, videos, time-lapse,
before/after images
6th Aug 2024Probably a group walk/photoshoot
3rd Sep 2024Trees, plants, gardensColour, composition, seasons
1st Oct 2024Holidays, your best recentComposition, something adventurous
5th Nov 2024Scientific (Microscopy/macro,
computer generated, night-time,
astro, fluids, refraction)
Good results!
3rd Dec 2024Architecture, historic or newComposition, lighting
7th Jan 2025Structures, bridges, mechanical,
Colour, composition

Anyone wishing to enrol with the Photography Group can do so by contacting Geoff Bryant (leader) via the form below or using details elsewhere on the website and TUTA News magazine.

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